My Dashboard
My Projects
In your account Dashboard you can manage all your projects. You can create new projects, delete projects and share projects with your team.
1. Create a new project
Type in city on the searchbar and press [Enter].
2. My Projects
In this section you will find your saved projects. To access your saved projects simply click on the project you would like to open and you will be taken to the selected project.
3. Manage saved projects
At the bottom of each project card you will find additional options to share your project, view compare page, edit project information and delete project.
Share projects: Click on share projects to make this project available to members of your team.
Compare projects: Click on share projects to open the compare page of this project.
Edit project name: Click on the pencil to edit this project name.
Delete project: Click on the trash bin to delete your project. You will be prompted to confirm whether you want to delete your project forever. After your project is deleted you will not be able to access it again.