Modify Constraint Volume
You can generate designs using the constraint volume feature. Let us see how.
Select Envelop
You can only visualize the constraint volume once you have generated any design and have entered the Envelop Selection Mode. Press (4) on your keyboard or change selection mode to the last option, Envelop using the selection dropdown menu in the top-left corner of the tool.
Default Volume Constraints
By default, the generated designs are constraint by volume boolean, which has the base of your sub-plot, and height is the Max. The height you have added in the targets section.
When you move the blocks to the edge of the subplot, the building blocks get trimmed once it is out of the constrained volume.
Move, Rotate, Scale
Toggle between different transform modes using the W-E-R keys.
Select the volume and transform it using the gumball controls.
Push and Pull Faces
While a contraint volume is selected, press the TAB button to enter Face Edit Mode.